Welcome to Three Acre Farm

We’re so glad you’re here! Here you’ll find education, inspiration and resources to help you grow the cut flower garden of your dreams. We are a small family owned/operated farm, living our dream in West Michigan, USA.


Need flowers? The Flower House is open seasonally (May-Oct) with our fresh farm-grown flowers.

We offer Dahlia tubers each spring with shipping in the USA (or on-farm pick-up).

Classes & Events

Sign up for a class/event on the farm… or learn with us via our online course community.

Enjoy our carefully curated selection of cut flowers seeds, perfect for growing in your own garden.


In 2010, my husband and I left our life in the suburbs and dove into the world of farming.
We had a vision to share the beauty and wonder of this farm with people in our community.

We longed to create a life centered on loving God, people and the earth. We wanted to make the world a little bit brighter and more beautiful.

And that’s exactly what we’ve done.

Maybe you have that same longing… As a former Art teacher, I love to use my creativity, teaching background and gardening knowledge to help you thrive.

Together, we can make YOUR life a little bit brighter and more beautiful.

-Lori Hernandez

What can your eyes desire to see,
your ears to hear,
your mouth to taste,
or your nose to smell
that is not to be had in a garden?
— William Lawson, 1618
Photo Credit: www.lrphotos.us