2025 Dahlia Tuber Sale Information + Terms and Conditions

UPDATE on Feb 26, 2025

Question: When do your 2025 Dahlia tubers go on sale? Have I missed the sale?!?

Answer: NO! You have NOT missed the sale! At this time, out best prediction is that our 2025 Dahlia Tuber Sale will launch in mid-April of 2025.

We do NOT announce a specific time or date for the Dahlia tuber sale. Even WE don’t know the exact time and date. We will launch the sale as soon as we have finished dividing, inspecting and inventorying all the tubers.

Question: How do I make sure I don’t miss the Dahlia Tuber Sale?

Answer: Be sure to join our email list to be notified when they are available (FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW). I will keep you updated as we get closer to the sale date!

We announce the Dahlia Tuber Sale to our email subscribers BEFORE we post about it on social media. The tubers often sell out within hours or days… so make sure you’re on the email list!

We appreciate your patience and understanding that we are a small farm and have limited Dahlia tuber stock available each year.

Question: Why do you sell your Dahlia tubers in the spring? It seems like everyone else sells theirs in the fall or winter.

Answer: Yup, we do things a little differently here at Three Acre Farm.

Some Dahlia growers “pre-sell” their tubers in the fall or winter, then ship them in the spring (tubers cannot be shipped in temperatures below freezing).

On our farm, we choose to offer our tubers in the spring when we've finished overwintering, dividing, inspecting and inventorying them. 


Because no matter how careful we are, some tubers will not survive in winter storage. We do not feel comfortable pre-selling tubers that we cannot guarantee will be alive in the spring.

Instead, we wait until spring to sell our tubers, so we have a precise, accurate inventory. This means you don’t have to worry about getting that dreaded email that says “Sorry, we experienced a crop failure over the winter and the tubers you purchased are no longer available.” This has happened to me too many times and it’s a real bummer!

Question: Will you have _______________ (insert Dahlia variety) available this year?

Answer: As of this update on Feb 26, 2025, we are still in the middle of dividing Dahlia tubers. We will not know what tubers will be available until we finish dividing, inspecting and inventorying the 16,000+ tubers. Thanks for your patience!
As soon as we DO KNOW, the Dahlia tuber page will be updated.



  • Items in your “cart” are not reserved until your purchase is complete. We understand this is frustrating when an item disappears from your “cart”, but it’s how the ecommerce system tracks inventory and availability. We can't change this.

  • We cannot add or subtract items from your order after it has been completed. If you want more tubers, please place an additional order.

  • Check out button. Some people have difficulty locating the checkout “cart” button (see photo below).

  • Trouble ordering? Often switching to a different internet browser (ex. Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc) or restarting your device will resolve the issue.


  • We're excited to announce that this year, we're introducing combined shipping for multiple orders! By combining your orders, we can help reduce your shipping costs. Depending on the size of your orders and the number of boxes required to ship them, we'll refund the excess shipping costs AFTER the conclusion of our 2025 Dahlia shipping season. To take advantage of this offer, kindly CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to fill out the form provided so we can have all your information in one convenient place.

  • Orders will be shipped in April or May, when the overnight low temperatures are above freezing. Dahlia tubers cannot be exposed to freezing temperatures.

  • Orders are shipped via USPS. Please make sure your address is entered correctly, using the USPS guidelines. Mistakes can mean delays and or loss of your order.

  • We can only ship in the USA (sorry, Canadian friends!)


  • Saturday, April 26, 2025 from Noon -3pm ONLY. Pick-up will be at Three Acre Farm in Byron Center, MI.

  • We will be here from Noon - 3pm to greet you and answer your questions.

  • You can place multiple orders and we'll combine them in the same bag for On-Farm Pick-Up! Please CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW to fill out the form.  This will enable us to consolidate your orders and pack them simultaneously.

  • If you cannot commit to the Local Pick-up time, PLEASE CHOOSE THE SHIPPING OPTION.

  • We are NOT able to schedule pick-ups outside of the Local Pick-Up time. Please find a friend or family member to pick up for you on April 26 if something comes up.

  • Again - If you cannot commit to the Local Pick-up time, PLEASE CHOOSE THE SHIPPING OPTION. Got it? ;)

Refund Policy

  • Please inspect your Dahlia tubers immediately when they arrive. All refund requests must occur within 7 days of receipt of the tuber. If you feel there is a problem with a tuber, please email lori@threeacrefarm.net and provide the following:

    • Your order confirmation number

    • Clear, focused photos of the tuber in question (multiple angles if needed)

    • A brief description of the issue

  • All tubers are inspected 2-3x to insure there is at least 1 viable “eye”. You might not be able to see the eye but trust us - we can. Finding Dahlia eyes is our Superpower and we’re really good at it. ;) Some eyes take a few weeks to “wake up” and begin sprouting.

  • Once the tubers leave our farm, we entrust them to your tender, loving care. We are no longer responsible for loss due to:

    • incorrect storage conditions upon receipt (store tubers in a cool dry location until planting time, out of direct sun, heat or freezing temperatures)

    • weather conditions

    • pest/critter damage

  • By purchasing Three Acre Farm Dahlia tubers, you are agreeing to this Refund Policy.


  • The tubers are packed in baggies with peat moss or vermiculite. The bags are left partially open ON PURPOSE, allowing the tubers to breathe and prevent moisture build-up. We do not recommend storing tubers in closed plastic bags. It's best to leave them open a bit.

  • Upon arrival, store the tubers in a cool dry place until planting time (with the baggies unzipped halfway). DO NOT store them in an area that could freeze. Even 1 night in a freezing garage can ruin a tuber (we know this from experience).

  • We sell individual tubers, not clumps. We only sell our best tubers. We keep all the “uglies/weirdos” for our own farm (ugly/weird tubers grow just as well!).

  • Tuber sizes vary wildly, depending on the variety (see photos below). On our farm, we plant anything “pinky-sized” or larger. A bigger tuber DOES NOT equal a bigger plant.

  • Tubers are inspected 2-3x to ensure there is at least 1 eye. Please allow up to 5-6 weeks after planting for the tuber to grow. Some are slow and don’t sprout until July.

Example of Dahlia shapes and sizes


Anatomy of a Dahlia tuber

  • Occasionally, some tubers may develop blue mold where the tubers where cut. Do not panic. This mold is on the surface and usually do not penetrate into the tuber. Move the tubers to a drier location and simply brush or wipe it off the mold. The tuber will likely still be firm and intact. If not, carefully cut away the affected area and allow the cut to dry to the touch before storing or planting.


  • We personally divide, inspect and inventory each tuber that we sell. We promise to share only the very best of what we have available.

  • All tubers are grown by us, on our farm in Michigan. We do not resell tubers or clumps from other growers.

  • We do our absolute best to prevent the spread of disease by employing the following methods:

    • Weekly inspections of every single plant.

    • Sanitizing snips between every single plant when harvesting or dividing tubers.

    • Submitting samples of any suspect plants for diagnostic/laboratory testing (through Michigan State University and Agdia), along with immediate removal of the plant and the soil from the field. When in doubt, we throw it out!

    • Restricting access to our fields. We do not allow any one else to harvest our blooms in order to keep our plants as healthy and disease free as possible (Translation: we don’t do Dahlia U-Picks or allow the public to cut our plants).