Three Acre Farm Library

Want to know how I started my farm?

Books. Over the past 15 years, I’ve read 100’s of books that have helped to educate and influence (often rising at 5am so I could read for a few hours before my kids woke up)… and our farm is a culmination of all these ideas.

I encourage you to not only read daily, but also take notes on WHAT you are reading. Designate a notebook for this and before long, you’ll have pages and pages of lifechanging, valuable, actionable material you can reference at any time.

Here are a few of my favorite books to help you along your journey!

P.S. If you’re ready to get serious growing your cut flower garden (and don’t want it to take 15 years. Ha!)… be sure to check out my online course, “Backyard Cutting Garden 101”. It’s everything you need to know to grow the garden of your dreams!

Farming Books

Gardening Books

Homesteading/Food Production Books

Business and Professional Development Books

Personal Development Books